Garden Crew Member

Dates: July 7 – August 22, 2025 

Hours: 25 hours per week 

Schedule: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00AM-2:00PM, Thur 10:00AM – 3:00PM 

(Work hours are subject to change for field trips) 

Pay: $15/hr.  


Green Team Program Description 

The Green Team is a youth jobs and environmental stewardship program, which employs youth ages 14-18 to restore Hyde Park’s urban wilds. These are conservation woodlands, which we must care for and protect so they can protect us from the effects of climate change. Urban wilds cool and clean the air, and their roots prevent flooding. The woods also provide a home for animals, bugs, birds and all the creatures that work together to keep our environment healthy.   

Crew Member Work Projects 

The Urban Gardening Team is a new program that was launched by the Green Team in 2024. Youth will work on urban gardening/farming sites in Dorchester (officially work sites are TBD). Additionally, they will plan and maintain their own gardening plot in Roslindale. Work projects include: 

  • Maintaining gardens by weeding, watering, and growing new crops 

  • Harvesting and processing food to be sold at local farmers markets 

  • Selling food at local farmers markets to residents 


Trainings and Field Trips 

  • Teamwork and workplace expectations 

  • Tool safety  

  • Exploring options after high school (colleges, green building trades, public service jobs, etc.)  

  • Learning about Boston water and sewer system 

  • Resume writing and interviewing 

  • Banking Basics – checking and saving accounts, credit scores, etc. 

  • River and harbor ecology, and canoeing 



  1. Must be a City of Boston resident between the ages of 14-15 

  2. Must be able to lift 25 pounds and do physical work outdoors for extended periods of time  

  3. Must work well with others as a team member  

  4. Interest in working outdoors; and learning about nature  



Hyde Park Neponset River Access Committee


Green Team Crew Member (16-18)